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 History and Factions of Merata

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History and Factions of Merata Empty
PostSubject: History and Factions of Merata   History and Factions of Merata EmptyTue May 31, 2016 4:25 pm

Factions of Merata
Updated 2 July 2017
All of the following are the known Factions of the Island of Merata at this time. This is written from a PC knowledge standpoint, so there is likely more information not yet discovered.
As an additional note, most factions have a symbol. I do not have a picture for all of them yet. If you can find a picture that resembles the described symbol, send it my way.

Additions to the History of Rhetaea

History and Factions of Merata Tyrant10 

Guildmaster of the Lords of Qezcahal, Emerald Branch
Recorded in the Year 1479

Year of the Opened Eye 
I am no bard. I did not write these words, but paid for them to be written. I did not come up with these stories, but stole them from friends, rumor, and the gibbering tales of liars and thieves.
I am Tyrant, of the Lords of Qezcahal, that mess of jungle we call the Wild Growth. My past is unimportant and full of tales you would not believe. Let us not sully these meanderings with a history of what you would call lies. There will be strange detail enough in these pages.
I am Tyrant, friend of the Heroes of Salvana’s Oasis, though where that name came from I will never know. Most people here in Port Town, excuse me…Emerald. Often I forget the name has changed with the arrival of that pint-sized liar Doake. 

A silly man for a silly job.
As I was saying, most people in Emerald and the whole of Merata do not even like the so-called Heroes. Many despise them. Far more fear them. None would argue their importance on the shifting power of this place.
I picked up a book though I do not like to read. Written by a bard, a stone dwarf called Gendan. It gave a recounting of the “true history” of the world. It’s a bunch of shit, but it’s the kind of shit people believe.
I looked around for someone to do the same here, on this island. It’s not being done. Not gonna be done by the local “bardic colleges” too focused on making a name for themselves to record the glory of others.
I am missing a leg, an eye, and more smaller parts that would be polite to have written here. I lead, but can’t go into that Wild Growth. No longer am I a part of history, so I looked at Gendan’s work and decided I should at least record it.
I’ve wasted enough space. Below you will find my collection of knowledge of Merata and the strange occurrences on this insane island.

History and Factions of Merata Tome_o10 

Jiorden Kaster
Second-in-Command of the Lords of Qezcahal, Emerald Branch
Servant of Knowledge

Though his words be crude and myself a far more accomplished chronicler of knowledge, I thought it best to allow Master Tyrant his way with words. It should be noted that I have clarified and checked facts where possible against local rumor, history, and via magical means.
The content of this work is as true as it could reasonably be.
I shall see that it is preserved.
Here are the current known histories of the elven peoples of Merata and the draconic Brood of Tlalo-Ka. A more detailed recent history of the island is forthcoming.
The First Elven War
Year Unknown

The People of the Stars (Sylvar’rhem) and the People of the Dark (Duava’rhem) were once united. Their leaders, the Lady of Summer and the Queen of Air and Darkness, served in the same court. Rumor hints they were sisters, or one was the mother of the other, but because of the nature of war and lost records, and the quiet nature of the elven peoples, truth is hard to come by.
The two Peoples lived in Xaltoca (now known as Emerald nee Port Town). In the Pyramid District we see a living testament to that union.
We do not know why, but they went to war. Conversations with members of the two races (and collected knowledge from other sources) tell me that the elves are not even sure themselves the reason. We know only that they fought and at some point, the Star Elves began to win.
The Sylvar’rhem were numerous, their magic more powerful, and they drove the Duava’rhem down into the World Below. The People of the Dark call this realm Mictlana, after the fashion of the Realm of the Dead above, Mictlan.
A noble of the dark elves and a supposedly loyal servant of the Queen saw the future of her people. Ixtapa, Mistress of Suicide, along with her House Yumi Cicil, gathered dark magic and discovered a way. Unbeknownst to them, this path led them to contact Xibalba, the Dying Star, in the unknowable Far Realm.
For a time the Duava’rhem fought back with tremendous and frightening power, but the cost was high. They began to twist and shift into dark parodies of their former selves. Fortunately, for the elves, for Merata, and for Rhetaea as a whole, the Lady of Summer discovered this corruption in time.
The Left-Handed Hummingbird moved quickly. She summoned 1,000 of her strongest star elves and granted them the right to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the world. She told them they would die, and in doing so their deaths would fuel the power for a grand illusion.
Of course, she lied.
These 1,000 did not die, not at first. Instead, their souls were inextricably bound to the magic of Merata and frozen in time. It would be centuries before the first would fall, and many years later before the last was freed.
Despite this treachery, the plan worked. Merata vanished from the face of this world, a distant memory gone into legend. The star elves were banished into the Feywild to create their own grand court. And for their punishment, the dark elves were sent into the grey wastes of the Shadowfell, or Feydark.
The eye of ancient Xibalba turned away, no longer able to see the tremendous power of the Heart of the Universe. All was safe.
Of course that, too, is a lie.

Interference of the Dragon
Tlalo-Ka, the terrible living god of dragons, enemy of the People and all the short-lived races of Rhetaea, would not be so easily bound. A manipulator by nature, she had eyes and ears in every major court of the world at that time. We believe it likely that her machinations began the war between the two elven People in the first place, but we could never know for certain.
Ixtapa, Mistress of Suicide, has been contacted in recent weeks and tells a tale of a stranger from the jungle who whispered words of a “great power” beyond the stars. Perhaps House Yumi Cicil are liars, or perhaps instead Tlalo-Ka’s actions drew the power of the Far Realm and caused the binding to occur.
No matter the reality, the dragon did not wish to be bound forever. She insinuated her people into the 1,000 elves and over time began to kill off those souls who provided power for the Lady of Summer’s spells.
In time, Merata’s grand illusion faded and the island came back to the world at large. Unfortunately for the dragon, while the Queen and Lady remained bound, Tlalo-Ka too could not venture beyond her prison in the Godless Forest.
But as we all know, for good or ill, those days are behind us.
The world is changed. 

The Dragon God is freed. 

The elven People’s returned. 

And the Eye of Xibalba, that dark and distant dying star, rolls slowly back towards the Heart of the Multiverse.
Jiorden Kaster

Below are the collected notes on the three powerful races of Merata. This knowledge is validated as factually as possible by magic, knowledge, and mundane means.

History and Factions of Merata Titani10
The Lady of Summer
Sylvar’rhem (People of the Stars)
Ruler: Huitza Lopakti; the Lady of Summer; the Left-Handed Hummingbird
Other Governance: The High Houses (known now as the Five)
Huitza Lopakti and the People of the Stars were powerful and noble, at least among themselves. To the remainder of Merata they were a savage and brutal civilization turned to ritualistic blood sacrifice in order to maintain their power and appease their Lady.
At festivals in honor of the Left-Handed Hummingbird, non-star elven people were sacrificed in potent rituals. This included the Kang ape warriors, the lizardfolk of the Hunapu, the distant human relations in the Cheowakahl, and even the People of the Dark. It seemed that in the last days of the Star Elven culture, no one was safe from her wrath.
Rule was once shared by a council of the High Houses, dozens of noble Sylvar’rhem leaders and their families. When the First Elven War began these houses dwindled, mostly due to Duava’rhem deceit, but in part to the treachery of their own star elven compatriots. In the last days before the Banishment Five Houses rose to power and made a pact to defeat the rest. These are known now as the Five:
·         Tezcal’poca, the House of Near and Nigh, First of Five
·         Xito Poteca, the Flayed House, Second of Five
·         Tlazolotl, the House of Purity and Sin, Third of Five
·         Zo’laxtl, The House of the Setting Sun, Fourth of Five
·         Omektu, the House of Blossoms, Fifth of Five
Tenoklan was the home of the Sylvar’rhem Lady. It was a massive, walled city in the Anwak Valley to the north of Mictlan, located near the center of the island where for a time the elemental cults have held sway.
In addition to their own domains, the Sylvar’rhem took command of the above-ground homes of the Duava’rhem and converted them.
Recent Days
With the return of most of the Five and the majority of the People of the Stars, Mictlan has changed hands. The elemental cults have been driven underground or out entirely as the star elves reclaim their lost lands. Mictlan, the Realm of the Dead, and the whole of the center of Merata, is a land of war once more.
The following information was gleaned from Coryn, druid of the Heroes of Salvana’s Oasis, during his time in banishment with the People of the Stars.
While in the Feywild, Coryn witnessed a treacherous plot enacted by the vengeful Five Houses against their Lady of Summer. They felt betrayed because their ruler banished them all without consulting a single House. In his short time in the Feywild, Coryn discovered that one of the Five Houses was leaderless, the Fourth of Five slain before the Banishment.
The remaining members of the Five believed that Huitza Lopakti could have simply killed all of the People of the Dark and chose instead to lock her own People away. They foresaw the release of the Queen of Air and Darkness and on that day they seized control. They gathered forces from within the Feywild and promised them power and release into the Prime Material World in exchange for their aid. Some were slain, but most survived.
In the end, the Lady of Summer was bound in chains of cold iron near the heart of the Feywild. She remains locked away, protected by eldritch magic and beings of immeasurable power.
When the Queen of Air and Darkness and her Duava’rhem returned to Merata, the Lady of Summer did not follow. Instead, the Houses of the Five have laid claim to her domain and share it amongst themselves. Unfortunately for them, it took mere weeks before the infighting of their People began.

History and Factions of Merata The_qu10

The Queen of Air and Darkness

Duava’rhem (People of the Dark)
Ruler: The Queen of Air and Darkness; true name unknown
Other Governance: The noble houses of the Duava’rhem
You already know that the People of the Dark and the People of the Stars were once one, united faction. Little else about the Duava’rhem is known from that early time. Much of the knowledge was lost to the follies of war. I believe also that no small amount of that history was deliberately destroyed by the Queen herself. What better way to shape the past than to destroy the truth?
Xaltoca once stood where the city of Emerald (formerly Port Town) now resides. Both Star and Dark elves lived within and when the wars broke out the two People’s locked away their towers. They remain protected to this day with powerful magic.
When the People of the Dark were driven into the World Below (Mictlana) the Queen of Air and Darkness led them to Cipakli. A tremendous underground city was created connected to other domains within the World Below. The dark elves maintained close ties with the deep gnomes of Lankadon, the various dwarven clans (notably, the Vikubix), and others. The People of the Dark lived below ground for more than 300 years before the ritual Banishment.
It is believed that while the Duava’rhem lived below ground they changed. They grew bitter and embraced the darker ways of their queen with skill and acumen. They grew smaller in numbers, but developed a willingness to tap into dangerous powers to make up for their lack.
The Duava’rhem ruled in a series of semi-chaotic Houses. The Queen formed no true governance, but allowed each House to function autonomously so long as they engaged in the war with all their might. They and their Queen developed remarkable skill with deception, illusion, and violence. In response to the Lady of Summer sacrificing Duava’rhem in her bloody rituals, the Duava’rhem sought out and assassinated most of the leaders of the Star elven aristocracy.


 History and Factions of Merata Images10


The Brood of Tlalo-Ka
Ruler: Tlalo-Ka
Stance on the Players: Hostile. 
Other Governance: None.
There is only one great god of the dragons and Tlalo-Ka is her name. Others in the history of Rhetaea have been allowed to claim that title only because Tlalo-Ka herself was locked away. Knowledge of her/him/it is lost to time, but descriptions reference a gargantuan feathered serpent with multi-colored hue, favoring the Qezcahal.
Tlalo-Ka is typically referenced as female, though no one really knows her true nature. It is known that it delighted in the manipulations of the elven races. It is further believed that Tlalo-Ka’s machinations are in part at fault for the drawing of the eye of Xibalba, the First Elven War, the Banishment, and perhaps recent tribulations of the returned island.
The elven mythology claims that Tlalo-Ka is not even the dragon’s original name. Instead, a hero claimed by both races became the god of the rains, thunder, and the jungle fruit known as Camusin. He was approached by the dragon who wished to make his power her own. When he refused to become Tlalo-Ka’s consort instead desiring the company of the Queen and Lady, the dragon erupted into a fit of jealousy and rage. He was utterly destroyed, his name and power consumed.
The city of Tlalokan is located in what is now called the Godless Forest. A meeting ground of overgrowth and jungle surrounding a potent volcano, Tlalokan combines all the dangers of the Qezcahal (Wild Growth) at their worst. 

Encountered Dragon Servants of Tlalo-Ka: 

  • Tezzicteca, daughter; once bound by Agrykos et al and now freed
  • Vikarlain, ancient Copper and consort of Tlalo-Ka
  • Kalakhan, brass dragon, "god" of the Kalakhan's Spear tribe of Hunapu (lizardfolk) which is led by the dragonborn Tuchapal


History and Factions of Merata Deep_g10

Kisheh’en, Deep Gnomes
Ruler: Tlalo-Ka
Stance Towards Players: Neutral/Positive
Other Governance:
The Kisheh’en were recently rediscovered by Doake, ruler of Emerald and member of the Heroes of Salvana’s Oasis. Their city of Lankadon lies deep underground, safe from the terrors above. They have a tale out of myth and legend. This living saga is called the Popol Vuh and describes portents of two death goddesses, the Hun-Kan (One-Death) and the Vukub-Kam (Seven-Deaths). They believe these two will collide and bring utter ruin to Merata. In their wake would be the total devastation and death of the world, plague and disease, and horrors of unspeakable description.
The Kisheh’en chose to vanish below Mictlan before this travesty could occur. We believe that these two death goddesses refer to the Queen and the Lady, though we are not sure which is which. The prophecy was likely forestalled with the Banishment, though now that they have returned, the deep gnomes wait in terror once more.
Their city, Lankadon, is infested with vile were-creatures known as the Wayob. The Kisheh’en have spent their centuries below ground fighting them off, but with no permanent change.
Recent Days
Doake used the deep gnomes’ hidden underground port while Agrykos drew attention of enemies with his more obvious “hidden port” (now reclaimed as the Queen’s home). The gnomes have come to trust Doake and see in him and his allies a possibility to regain the lost portions of their ancient city.
They have tried to entice Doake and his allies by trading ore, magic, and their secret spell gems.

The Cults of the Elemental Eye
Led by four Elemental Prophets, the cults serve under the will of the Elder Elemental Eye. Each elemental factoin possesses a dark prophet that holds an item of great power granted to them by the Eye. Each commands armies. These prophets and their servants have their own individual reasons for serving and it is apparent by now that they are not in perfect harmony with one another. 

The cults arrived early in the discovery of Merata and took up secret residence in Mictlan, a holy land to the native people. Each faction works against the others (and in some cases, even against itself), but this has not stopped them all from achieving immense power. That they have given up secrecy and come out of hiding is unlikely to bode well for Merata. 

Allies/Servants: Each cult has many allies, mostly humanoid. Some monstrous creatures specific to elements serve as well. Their true power is unknown. 
Stance on the Players:
Known Goals: 
Discover power to unleash their Princes of Elemental Evil. Seek the Night Diamond and other artifacts of power. Stop each other from realizing their goals. 

- The Black Earth is led by Marlos Urnrayle, a former noble of Charm, Nexus of the Word, who has become a Medusa. 
- The Howling Wind is led by Aerisi Kalintoh, details unknown (winged elf?). 
- The Eternal Flame is led by Vanifer, a tiefling. Other details unknown. [Totally destroyed by the PCs]
- The Crushing Wave is led by Gar Shatterkeel, but their is dissension in their ranks. [Totally destroyed by the PCs]


The Hunapu
Tribes of the Dragons

Hunapu is the Meratan name for the tribes of lizardfolk on the island. The lizardfolk serve as a lower caste in service to higher caste dragonborn, themselves in service to a specific dragon. In some cases, the "dragons" they serve are mythical in nature; in others, they are very much real. The Hunapu tribes are all vastly different, hostile to all who are not Hunapu and aggressive against each other. 
Allies/Servants: Varied. 
Stance on the Players:
 Hostile as a general rule. 
Known Goals: 
Claim Merata for Tlalo-Ka and dragonkind. 



The Cheowakahl
The Old Believers

The Cheowakahl are human and half-elven native tribes carrying the distant blood of the Sylvar'rhem. Each tribe chooses a potent jungle creature as its spirit animal. All are different, much in the same way as the Hunapu, and are generally hostile to outsiders. They fight amongst themselves, but will work together against a common enemy. They despise any who desecrate the sacred homes of the Sylvar'rhem and consider the Elemental Cult's invasion of Mictlan the utmost blasphemy.

Stance on the Players:
 Varied (see below).
Known Goals: 
Purify Merata of the corruption of civilization. 
Other Information: 
There are dozens of known tribes of Cheowakahl. Below are a few encountered or rumored in game thus far and their stance on the players:

- Jaguar, led by Ocelotl and allied to Coryn (Allied) 
- Raptor (Neutral) 
- Lochtepu (Great Maw) (Destroyed save Creegan)
- Atzapoat (River Lizard); known cannibals that reside in converted Sylvar'rhem temple called Zapoteca. They are reviled by the other Cheowakahl, but their dark rituals give them great power. They prize gold, wear their wealth as violent piercings, and are known to keep "river lizards" on chains as pets. (Hostile)


The Song Between the Leaves
The Song

When the Sylvar'rhem and the Duava'rhem vanished from this world their departure was abrupt and mysterious. Another mystery left behind by the "star elves" are the Song who exist as faded remnants of that culture under a blessing and a curse. The elves of the Song appear more as Wood Elves (and function as them for mechanical purposes), but only live to 100 years of age. They die on the very day they were born. In exchange for this brevity of life, they learn fast and are gifted with remarkable talents. Their purpose is to protect the heritage of their ancestors even if they cannot remember why. 

The Song exist in cells led by Blades (captains) and guided by spiritual leaders. There is also whisper of a "godly" fey creature hidden deep within the Qezcahal (Wild Growth) that offers them guidance as well. 

Unknown. Appear to favor the Vikubix (returned in Grissa Stoneseer). Allied with the lich Renwick.
Stance on the Players: Neutral, leaning towards Allied. 
Known Goals: 
Prevent the plunder of Sylvar'rhem ruins. Forestall the opening of the Hidden Worlds. 
Other Information: 
More detail can be found in a post listed below this one. 


The Tribes of Kang

The Tribes of Kang are ape warriors with noteworthy intelligence. These humanoids exist in small war bands all across Merata. They worship strength and power, serve their own needs, and despise the coming of other humanoid civilization. They are broken into tribes, each led by a Rok (Warlord). Some have spiritual leaders, though these are rare. They worship a god, but are utterly terrified of his existence. He is known as the King of Kang.

Creatures of the Qezcahal.
Stance on the Players:
 Most unkonwn, but likely Neutral at best. The Kang'challa led by Mokta Rok are Allied. The Kang'chagga have a new leader, Jura Rok, who carries a horn of Agrykos as a magic item as is utterly devoted to him. 
Known Goals: 
Be ape dudes.
Other Information: 



The Radiant Accords

I will allow Vaughn to do a write up here. 

Stance on the Players:
Known Goals: 
Other Information: 


Salvana's Oasis
Player Controlled. See link here plus additional information. Salvana's Oasis
Stance on the Players:

Known Goals:
Other Information:

Defunct Organizations or Groups 
[Destroyed utterly by the PCs]
The Coven
Three Grand Ladies
Little is known of the Three Grand Ladies save what was mentioned by Izzukahl, the Lord of Knight as the players defeated him. They appear to be a trio of mysterious women behind the release of some of the Duava’rhem (dark elves). The elves, once bound in the Hidden World of the Feydark, serve willingly to escape their hell. The Coven wants the Night Diamond, presumably to release the Queen of Air and Darkness. However, if the Coven releases the Queen under their power it may simply be trading one prison for another.
Allies/Servants: Released Duava’rhem such as Izzukahl called traitors by the Queen (to Agrykos and Orion). Others unknown.
Stance on the Players: Hostile.
Known Goals: Bind the Queen of Air and Darkness for an unknown purpose.
Other Information: Legend whispers of women like those found in the Coven in The Godless Forest
The First of Five
Tezcal’poca - The House of Near and Nigh
Symbol: Horned-headed elf with a jaguar spotted face and eyes full of stars
Founder: Toxcatl (tox-cat-al)
Motto: “Ours From Earth to Stars”
House Blade: Dav, the Smoking Mirror. A blade of pure obsidian from deep beneath Mictlan and the World Below, Dav was crafted to spite the Queen of Air and Darkness. Crafted from materials and spells found only in her realm, Toxcatl held forth the blade as living proof of Sylvar’rhem dominance over the Duava.
The Second of Five
House Name - Xito Poteca, the Flayed House
Symbol: A bunch of camusin berries fading from fresh green to bloody red
Founder: Emmatsien (em-maht-zee-en), the Night Drinker
Motto: “Patient Wrath is Greatest”
House Blade: Brer’karn, the Rattle Staff (Flail with many spiked chains)
The Third of Five
Tlazolotl (t’lay-zo-la-tahl) - The House of Purity and Sin
Symbol: Filigree-edged silver mirror encrusted with filth on one side, pristine on the other
Founder: Vernestrakahl, Lady of of Filth and Beauty
Motto: “Eat the Sin to Become Pure”
House Blade: Aurelia’Kae, the Silver Thorn. (Rapier)
The Fourth of Five
House Name: Zo’laxtl (Zoh-lahx-tel), the House of the Setting Sun
Symbol: Twin swans, one white and wrapped in lightning, the other black with skulls for pupils
Founder: Feongwahl, the Bleeding Swan
Motto: “Let No Enemy Through”
House Blade(s): Hlal and Magdhi, the High Defenders (Scimitars)
The Fifth of Five
House Name - Omektu, the House of Blossoms
Symbol: A rearing Unicorn with great feathered wings, gray mane, beard, and abnormally large genitalia
Founder: Tonacatecuhtli, Lord of Flesh and Food
Motto: “Your Blood is Ours, Ours is All”
House Blade: Ektyarn the Wicked (Lance/Spear)

Last edited by TheDiddler on Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:22 pm; edited 20 times in total
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History and Factions of Merata Empty
PostSubject: Re: History and Factions of Merata   History and Factions of Merata EmptyTue May 31, 2016 4:27 pm

Survivors of the Yellow King (Sacrifice)

Tyrant. An old, wise mentor of unknown origin, missing a leg, most of his teeth, and half of his fingers. His crime is uncertain. A1

Kiss. A violent and dangerous man, ready to kill. A1

Krysta and Fioren. Imprisoned after stealing bread to live. Krysta (the mother) is dead.A1

Ishkilai. Abused and then saved. Discovered later that she was sent away for political reasons (see notes). A1

Tedak and Morveer. A1
Captain Ferra Aquillon A1

Ferra is deeply religious, but known for her extreme confidence and righteous nature. She stays apart from her crew and passengers, the distance necessary to her faith.
Every year Capt Ferra makes the journey from Charm and other parts across the dangerous sea during the spring tumult and storms. It is known that under Ferra’s watch, no ship has ever been lost to the depredations of the sea gods. The PCs soon discovered that she sacrifices one ship in ten each year to her “god” and the Sahuagin (Sea Devils) take it. Only her crew knows and they are bound not to spread the tale.
Ferra is a known servant of a powerful conglomerate of wealthy merchants and nobility. It is rumored that she has done them all favors by bringing undesirables to the Island, never to be seen again.

History and Factions of Merata Captai10
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History and Factions of Merata Empty
PostSubject: Re: History and Factions of Merata   History and Factions of Merata EmptyThu Jun 30, 2016 4:53 pm

Mokta Rok

History and Factions of Merata Mokta_10
Leader of the Kang'challa war-band. Neutral to the party.


History and Factions of Merata Kangch10
War-band of the Kang tribes in service to Mokta Rok. Their spiritual leader and children have been taken by and outside force.

Vigga Rok (Dead)

History and Factions of Merata Vigga_10
Former leader of the Kang'chagga ape warriors.

History and Factions of Merata Kang_c10

Scattered war-band without a leader
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History and Factions of Merata Empty
PostSubject: Re: History and Factions of Merata   History and Factions of Merata EmptyFri Sep 16, 2016 1:27 am

The Song Between the Leaves

“The name of the ancient Sylvar’rhem has been bastardized throughout the centuries. Most know them as so-called ‘jungle elves’ because they lived upon Merata. Sylvar’rhem means People of the Stars. They are the Star Elves, the Light in the Darkness and the Duava’rhem are the People of the Night.”

When the Lady of Summer and the Five bound the Sylvar’rhem and Duava’rhem into the Hidden Worlds, she had the foresight to leave behind a group of protectors. She chose the youngest, most talented prodigies and “blessed them” by removing all memory of the time before the Hidden Worlds. Generation after generation and the purpose of this organization has not changed: protect the remnants of the Sylvar’rhem and prevent the gates to the Hidden Worlds from opening once more.

The Song knows very little about its history and culture. The blessing of the Lady actually prevents them from living beyond a century. They have grown more “humanlike” in their ability to adapt and learn rapidly, making the most out of their shorter lives.
The Song Between the Leaves seeks to remain behind the scenes. They use the Cheowakahl (Old Believers) who possess small amounts of the Sylvar’rhem blood, to enact most of their will. They pretend to the living ancestors of the Sylvar’rhem, often breeding with their more talented magic-users.
The Song has but one purpose - protect the ruins and culture of the lost People of the Stars. Few of them even remember why.
Domain. The Song Between the Leaves travels the breadth of Mictlan and as much of the rest of Merata as they can reach. They make their homes in the ruins left behind by their ancestors, though they are careful to touch little and take nothing. They do possess a hidden base of operations deep within the Qezcahal (Wild Growth), but are unwilling to outsiders. This domain possesses a permanent teleportation circle that the Song uses to make a fast retreat home.

Organization. The Song is led by the First Blade and guided by the Serpent (of which there have been seven thus far). It is uncertain if this has always been the organization for when the Song members near their 100th year they begin to lose their memories and minds. The First Blade is always one of, if not the, most skilled Bladesinger in the group and the Serpent holds that honor in terms of divine magic.
There are currently only 47 members of the Song, most of which are scouts, minor apprentices, and/or too young to serve in battle. In order to bolster their ranks, the Song breeds with the Cheowakahl at times. Because of the blessing of the Lady of Summer, they always breed “pure” and never half half-elf offspring.
Erendira, First Blade of the Song
High Elf Bladesinger
Character sheet withheld at this time. May post later.
Personality. Erindira wears the strange native clothing and tattoos of the Cheowakahl. In fact, the Old Believers picked up their choice of style from the Song. She is exceptionally beautiful and possesses a constant “flower of youth” due to her blessing/curse.
Erindira sings beautifully and is a perfect mimic, able to recreate all the sounds of the jungle.
When speaking to others, Erindira stays focused, disturbingly so, as if she can see through your soul. She is suspicious in nature of everything that does not belong to the Song, but holds great reverence for the artifacts and history of the People of the Stars.
Flaw/Secret. Unknown to players at this time.
Familiar: Monkey (Rostahd)
- Acalan (Male, 3rd level bladesinger)
- Matlal (Male, 5th level bladesinger)
Chicomecoatl (Chi-ko-me-co-a-tell), the Seventh Serpent
9th lvl Cleric of Nature
Spiritual leader of the Song Between the Leaves
- Chi is persuasive and manipulative, but uses her social abilities entirely to twist others to the whims of the Song

History and Factions of Merata Chicom10

Chicomecoatl (Chi), the Seventh Serpent of the Song (Cleric)

History and Factions of Merata Erendi10

Erindira, First Blade of the Song Between the Leaves (Captain)

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Join date : 2014-09-12
Age : 41
Location : Germany

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